Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hospitals, Labor and Nurses

Labor sucks. Mine started at 4:30 am on Wednesday, by 10 pm on Thursday I had been in and out of the hospital twice and was heading back for the third time, hoping it would be the last time. It wouldn't be. Nearing exhaustion and in tremendous pain I agreed to be injected with a bit of morphine(one of the best decisions I had ever made...). Finally I had some pain relief and was able to sleep for 6 straight hours!!!!!! By 7 am on Friday I was released from the hospital, was told to take Benadryl to help me sleep. This is a joke. It never works, if you are in labor and your Dr. tells you this, laugh at them. By 8 pm Friday night I decided that I had had enough. I didn't care if they had to induce me with yucky pitocin or if I had to go through a "too posh to push" c-section, the pain was unbearable and I didn't care how the baby came out, I just wanted it out. At 1:31 on Saturday April 7, the little guy was born. Naturally, with the help of pain meds. He had been under a lot of stress and was whisked away before I had the chance to see him and I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl.
Overall the experience was positive. Even with the pain. We had one horrendous nurse who was pretty much the devil in flower scrubs and I curse her to this day, but most of the nurses were awesome. I mention the nurses because I don't think the Dr. spent more than 15 minutes with us. Just enough time to deliver the baby. Nurses are unsung heroes and they don't get enough credit.

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